Attorney at law Stefan Zdarsky
Lawyer Stefan Zdarsky
Certified specialist lawyer for the protection of intellectual property rights
After longer activity as in-house counsel in the business sector with emphasis on national and international contract law, liability law (especially product liability respectively liability of the manufacturer) as well as law of competition (cartel law and especially advertising law – German Act Against Unfair Competition (in German: Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG)), he gladly provides you with advice with focus on these matters .
A further focus of activity lies in the fields of law of trademarks, law of design and other intellectual property rights (especially processing of the application and protection of rights, processing of admonishment-notifications on either side). Furthermore, he gladly responds to your questions concerning copyright law and law of publishing as well as concerning internet law (IT-law), especially concerning contracts, domains, long distance sales and infringement of proprietary rights.
Lawyer Stefan Zdarsky is certified specialist lawyer for the protection of intellectual property rights.
Speaker activities
Lawyer Zdarsky takes regularly part in:
• Symposiums and workshops,
• client and association events,
• seminars and training courses
nationally and internationally.
He lectures on basic topics as well as on current developments, especially in the fields of product liability, contract law and trademark law as well as law of design. Appreciated are his practice-oriented behaviour tips.
He is regular speaker inter alia at in-house seminars of enterprises, at associations and certification institutes.
Lawyer Falk Grüning
Next to the founder Stefan Zdarsky, the lawyer Falk Grüning is
steadily active at the site in Frankfurt/Main.
For our law firm, he provides advice in the field of protection of intellectual property rights as well as in the field of technical legislation. Layer Falk Grüning has acquired the legal knowledge for the qualification as certified specialist lawyer for trade and company law.
Carola Kiehne (Paralegal)
Carola Kiehne is trained assistant to lawyer and notary and already working with us since 2001. She is your competent contact person especially for questions in the field of trademark and design law.
Annette Zdarsky
Being business administrator, Annette Zdarsky is your contact person for all questions regarding commercial matters, the bookkeeping as well for special business-operation questions.
Specialisation nowadays is more important than ever: Nobody can be the best in all fields (any more). Thus, each professional is required to continuously adjust and shape his core areas in favour of our clients. For this reason, we only attend to selected areas of distribution law, which our clients require and in which we have specialized ourselves.
In order to remain up to date continuously, we regularly attend advanced professional training events, far beyond the standard, which is mandatory for certified specialist lawyers or patent lawyers.
Likewise, our assistants regularly attend advanced professional training events regarding their respective areas of work.